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We Repair Off-Shore Projects.

It's so easy to be seduced by the idea of outsourcing your web development project to cheap developers overseas.   If you've tried the cheap off-shore outsource web design experience, but your website just doesn't work (and you          don't want to start from scratch) we can review the project, help you correct any critical coding errors or                                                   security issues and help you to plan a new way forward.

It's not easy, or fun work. But (unfortunately) it's necessary.

Get help now.

We Repair Off-Shore Projects.

Time and time again, we've had new clients come to us (once in tears!) with a poorly written, badly coded web project that was in desperate need of help. We've been able to recover and reuse what we can, re-build, lock down and secure the application, and get the project functioning as it was originally intended. We find that some of the                                           most common problems with off-shore developers include:

Over-promised, Under-delivered.

Often the biggest problem is when an off-shore developer doesn't understand the project brief, and over promises and then under-delivers.

Low Budget, Low Result.

Unfortunately its often a case of you get what you pay for. A low budget might be fine for a proof of concept, but don't expect high quality, polished results.

Endless Communication Loop.

Due to the time-zone differences, and some cultural communication challenges, the endless communication loop can be torture even with effort made on both sides.

We are an Australian web development agency, experienced with delivering online solutions ranging from simple websites to heavily customised projects serving complex business requirements. We work with WordPress, WooCommerce and Shopify for smaller projects, and the Symfony framework to build heavy-duty web projects. We can take a look at your existing off-shore project to see if we can take it over and help get you the desired result.

Find out more. 

Why We Don't Use Off-Shore Developers.

We receive calls and emails every week from off-shore development companies offering web design and development services for a lower hourly rate. To some, the potential profit margin might initially    seem tempting, but we pass on the "great opportunity" every time. Here's why...

Quality Control.

We need to be able to guarantee quality for our clients. Our experience is that the quality of the code delivered by off-shore channels is often severely lacking.

Commonly these companies deliver applications that use large blocks of procedural code and no centralisation of reusable components.

We specialise in redesigning and rewriting web applications outsourced to developers overseas where the delivered applications are unreliable, unmanageable, not secure and/or full of bugs.

Our developers are passionate, highly skilled professionals with formal education and industry experience who have been continually trained. They are more than qualified to do the task, so why would we trust someone else with our reputation and our client's deliverables? We just don't.

Keep Life Simple.

By using our own trusted in-house resources and knowing that our products are built the right way, we don't have to worry about incurring ongoing technical issues.

Using outsourced resources increases security and privacy concerns while introducing potential technical problems that will require extra work to fix. There are extreme cultural differences that result in a huge gap between how other cultures work and how you might expect them to work. Communication problems, misunderstandings, and rework is the norm, not the exception. Sure, there might be some good off-shore developers out there... but we only ever hear about the bad ones.

Having developers in house makes it quick and easy to make changes, or speed up a project. Also, having late night conference calls during dinner time doesn't help the home-life.

We Don't Do 'Cheap' Work.

We like to build trusted relationships with our clients, and a lot of effort goes in to the quality of our projects - like good design, smart user-interface design, quality assurance, and project management. As well as solid, sturdy and secure coding that we can be proud of.

We don't wish to just churn out development projects. We take the time to understand the project from the outset, to make good development decisions early on, and to build in a way that any developer (e.g. new developers we hire over time) would be happy to come along and understand the coding processes used in a project.

Sure we could cut costs by cutting corners.

But cutting corners more often than not means cutting quality, and we don't ever want to cut quality - we like our clients too much!

"We just want to thank you for all your work and persistance and for doing such an amazing job. You guys                                       are absolutely brilliant to work with! Thank you so much."

                                                       − Michelle + Derek, On Snow

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